
“Aria di criptovalute al casino” – RSI Radiotelevisione svizzera

Il Casino di Lugano opens an opportunity for cryptocurrency and not only as a means of payment at the restaurant. He does it with a special game dedicated to the participants of the Cryptocurrency Forum that will be held in Lugano on Friday and Saturday. “Non scommitto con le cryptovalute ma receive a promotional prize in bitcoin. È un inizio, si comincia respirare aria di cryptovalute al casino”, affirms the administrador delegato Paolo Sanvido, leaving it to be understood that if it could push further: “Siamo in contatto with many operators and producers and we see what’s coming. Tomorrow, with the right authorizations, we could be a test casino for the first slot machine in bitcoin”.

“You need to do things well, respecting the law (…) but also have an innovative and entrepreneurial spirit and find new things that can confirm Lugano as a global point of reference in the development of cryptocurrencies,” explains Sanvido on the microphone of the RSI. Senza perdere di vista i pericoli e dimenticare che “uno dei pilaster su cui si si basa licenza è la reputazione” e sotto questo profilo non ci si possono permetere dei danni.

The entrance of this means of payment in a gambling house, if you want to push beyond this marketing operation, it will not be without problems. “The decision to authorize or not the cryptocurrency as a means of payment requires a complete, precise and convincing request that illustrates the measures adopted to prevent and risks linked to money laundering and to guarantee the legitimate origin of the money and the management of transactions in foreign currency”, explained the Secretariat of the Federal Commission of Gaming in a written reply to the RSI. An official position has not been taken on this issue, because none of the 21 Swiss casinos, not even Lugano, has formalized a request.

The company, says the president of the same Commission, Fabio Abate, must evaluate risks even under another aspect, the purely financial one, “because it is called to guarantee a basis of financial solidity to be able to explain its activity”. And the value of cryptocurrency is extremely volatile.

Francesca Calcagno/pon

Published on: 27 October 2022, 19:20 Last modified on: 27 October 2022, 19:21

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