The San Remese gambling house closes the month of August with a record collection of 5 million and 380 thousand euros, 14.01% more than the same month of 2021. Well the slot machine that closes the summer month at 3 million and 991 thousand , or 7.15% more than last year.
American games recorded a good performance, with 778 thousand euros, 106% more than last year, including Black Jack, Fair Roulette and Punto Banco.
Flexione per i giochi francesi: roulette has collected 346 thousand euros, pari al 5.23% less than 2021. Il poker has collected 264 thousand euros and 4.8% compared to last year.
Attendance was equal to 25 thousand, or 17% more in the same month of 2021, for a total of 121 thousand in the first 8 months of the year.
From January to August, the Casino collected 27 million and 992 thousand euros. I fear the management of the gambling house are now linked to the expensive bill and the effects of the increase in management costs.