
I metodi che usano and casino to make giocare le persone

We all know the fascination of the casino. The bright light and the feeling of power that the environment seems to transmit together with the irrational certainty that the next hand would be the good one. Time seems to fly in an elegant environment made of curly hair, the sound of the balls being thrown and the cards being turned. All these sensations that can seem personal are actually the result of careful planning of environments and techniques to make people play.

All these techniques can have a huge impact on your bankroll. Game house managers know their own work well and know that game rules are only part of their job. Abilità delle case da gioco è quella di non far vincere troppo i giocatori ma neanche troppo poco or, peggio ancora, make them lose repeatedly. In the latter case, the player will lose interest quickly, given that if he does not have fun, he will hardly become a regular customer.

To combat these undesirable reactions, the operators adopt ingenious and sometimes simply surprising measures. They are interesting techniques to know in order to understand what environment you are in and maybe use them to your advantage to win. Many of these techniques are used in large casinos in Las Vegas, but they are often used in European gambling houses.

Attention to the pomegranate

The legend of Persephone and the pomegranate seeds is a good metaphor that makes us understand why many casinos offer free food and drinks. The story tells of the nymph who ate pomegranate seeds offered by Ade, the king of the underworld, condemning himself to having to return cyclically to eat.

Ecco and casino do the same. Offering free food and drinks to the adventurer keeps him in his place and relaxes him by lowering his inhibitory brakes. Così faedon giocano di più non dovendo preoccuparsi, quando hanno hanno o sete cè semper tutto quello che desiderano disposizione.

The same system is used for the loyalty program. The casino tends to award regular clients and who can receive a prize or other benefit. It is not the case that the big casinos in Las Vegas are also hotels. The camera is offered free of charge to players who entertain themselves at the table. Other benefits for loyalty can include gifts such as SPA treatments, massages and prizes of all kinds. The perceived value of the gift often makes you forget that none of these gifts are really free but already well paid for the player’s losses.

Light and sound hypnosis

The slot machines, which look innocent with flashing lights and funny sounds, are actually the biggest source of income for the casino. The reason is simple. Spesso if you think that a functional slot machine with a token of low value all in all cannot be so greedy for money. In reality, the slot machine makes the player very close to a probable win and every time they win a prize. This makes you psychologically feel like you are close to the goal, that you have touched it and that the next turn will be better. That’s why the slot is very challenging both in traditional gambling houses and in the best non-AAMS casinos on the web.

Le vincite inoltre vengono underline da clamore. Sound and sound effects in quantity even when they are not of such high importance. Other players in the vicinity can then see that there are winners. They also warn them of that sort of positive electricity in the air and think that the next lucky strike is theirs.

Certain casinos, presumably, immitto una quantita maggiore di oxygeno nei condizionitori, il che vitaliza ed energiza i clienti, mantenendoli agli e interesto lungo.

Time flies

Like commercial centers, casinos can make huge profits only when people stay and continue to spend money. There are several ways to try to isolate a person from the rest of the world. Tra questi il ​​più semplice is the lack of windows and clock. If you tend to lose consciousness of the time that passes, non si sa se il sole allesterno è ancora alto o tramontato.

To this is added the general atmosphere of perpetual drunkenness, bright lights and stimulating music. Numerous ATM machines ensure the availability of money. Inside a casino it seems to be in a bubble without time, it is not surprising that for many it is a drug-like effect.

The hidden exit

The next time you visit a casino, it is good to pay attention to the arrangement of walls, corridors and rooms. These constructions have something labyrinthine. Who plans these constructions knows that he must foresee paths rich in insidie ​​before arriving at the exit. The insidie ​​and the trap are represented by tables, slot machines and a thousand tempting temptations that surround the player inside. Toilets, restaurants and other necessities are often located in the center of the rooms. This ensures that people must cross an entire minefield of temptations before arriving where they want to go.

Intrighi non finiscono qui e oltreoceano arrivano apotheosis della questione. These places are often equipped with excellent restaurants with famous chefs, scantily clad waitresses, shows to entertain people. The staff is always very kind, smiling, almost indulgent, of course always available. In reality, it’s all part of an oiled and perfect mechanism that allows the casino to prosper by providing an illusion of fun and smooth life.

Some final thoughts

We know very well how much the gioco d’azzardo is enclosed in sé quel vivido sottile e piacevole. The attentive and measured player will know how to dose this sensation by taking the playful and fun part without any extra effort. Casinos are fun and also places where fortune can smile at the players. The important thing is to attend them with the right conscience, taking them as a form of fun entertainment. Others tend to see it as a way to quickly change one’s life with a throw of a ball or a stroke of a slot machine. Unfortunately, these people will not even have that ephemeral entertainment typical of this world.

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