
Il gioco sicuro passa dalle statistiche: guida al RTP –

Approach one slot machines online it involves the evaluation of a whole series of elements, some of which are more superficial, while others are particularly technical, more complex to understand by less experienced people. Among the first factors, the plot, the gameplay and the theme adopted by the slots certainly stand out: the variety of available entertainment, as you can see on the gaming portal that certainly stands out as an excellent example, sono moltissime. Tra i fattori più tecnico, necessari da valore per unesperienza di responsible game and aware, instead theRTP.

What is RTP?

Quando si parla di play responsiblyif it refers to a set of behaviors and attitudes that are promoted in the first place online casino targati ADM and then follow with lucidity the players, whether they are occasional or habitual. The awareness of one’s own limits, one’s own style of play and one’s own expectations is essential, but a more technical preparation is also necessary on the main game mechanics, as well as on some concepts: among these, if you distinguish the RTP, or the so-called Return to Playeressential in the approach to any slot machine.

In summary, the RTP is nothing more than an indicator that, over a long period, estimates in percentage terms the amount that could be returned to the player following a series of bets. The Return to Player indicator is therefore made up of an apparently dry percentage, but the conditional in its definition is mandatory, since the legal game is purely always regulated by the case: without manipulations of sorts, the slot machines sono dunque aleatorie com any gioco che si rispetti, pur nel rispetto dell RTP indicato clementare sugli intartentimenti stessi.

As a rule, the RTP is estimated between 92% and 97%, but this indicator is not the only element to consider when choosing which slot machine to approach: another important concept to control is in fact that of volatility, according to where it is possible to distinguish the slot in at least three categories.

What is the volatility of slot machines?

If the RTP of a slot machine is expressed clearly in a percentage that can orient the player with greater precision, volatility is a more generic concept: as such, it is not expressed through a dry value, but it does serve to distinguish the slot machine in at least three categories.

Andando con ordine, the volatility indicates a relationship between the frequency of erogazione del jackpot on the part of the slot machine and the entity itself of the prize. In this sense, volatility can be defined as low, medium or high. In her case low volatility slot, queste si rivelano le favorite dai giocatori occasionali, because they grant a lower jackpot at a higher frequency. On the contrary, the high volatility slot machine if they stand out for the rarity of their jackpot and for their highest value, they are therefore the favorite among the most habitual and highest budget players.

In her case low volatility slot machineif it will have to do with entertainment che, always taking into account the casual element that contrasts any platform of legal gamethey allow the player to keep his own good or bad unchanged bankroll: the game will flow more fluidly, balancing points and the jackpot more modestly, unlike what happens with it high volatility slotin which the prize is awarded with a significantly lower frequency.

Know the slot and its own style of play

Having developed a first knowledge of the main concepts that regulate the operation of slot machines, it is easy to understand how to evaluate these two parameters based on your own style of play. It should not be forgotten that the priority of every player must be to play responsibly and have fun, without going after a jackpot, putting all of your bankroll at risk and also risking developing a harmful addiction.

In this sense, it is essential to recognize in the first place your own approach to gambling and, based on this, establish which form of entertainment to approach: normally, a slot machine with a good RTP has a percentage of Return to Player pari al 95% or superior, but the volatility, the case and the single and specific mechanisms of the various slots can make the difference.

In fact, it should be considered that the RTP is rarely thought of for the well-being of the players, since the Return to Player also depends on the revenue of the casino itself: precisely because of this the indicator will never reach 100%, sitting at the maximum of 97 %; and for the reverse reason, i.e. not demotivating players too much and causing them huge losses, the gaming room will hardly provide entertainment to users with an RTP lower than 92%. The task of the casino and the players is to know how to find the right balance between the entertainment and the entertainment given by the games, in full respect of the responsible game rules and the main objective of these portals: to have fun, with awareness and transparency.

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