
Slot machines and video games: an ever closer relationship

In Italy, roulette, poker, blackjack and online slot machines are becoming more popular. If even before Covid it was possible to witness a shift of the gambling on the webthe new health needs induced by Coronavirus have accelerated the trend.

A large number of people have therefore decided to take advantage of the software offered online and open their account with a minimum deposit, in order to play at any time of the day, maybe on your smartphone. A trend that has particularly interested video game lovers. Let’s see why.

Video game-themed settings depopulate slot machines

The great passion of Italian players is represented by slot machines. A passion that has spilled over into the web, finding a way to express itself in the section prepared for this purpose by all gaming sites. In fact, there are many titles, inspired by various topics, that give customers the opportunity to indulge their imagination every day, even betting live or via mobile app. Hoping of course to hit the jackpot during the game.

In recent years, a large number of software have been inspired by the most popular video games. The best known case is represented by Tomb Raider, starring Lara Croft, but there are many cases. Among them, for example, we must remember:

Gemixslot machine inspired by Candy Crush and Angry Birds;Call of Duty;Space Invaders;Reel Rushwith numerous references to the world of Super Mario.

The list is of course very long as the “gamification” in the slot machine section is becoming more pronounced. A trend that has been noticed by all the most famous software houses, such as NetEnt o PlayTech and that it is expected to last a long time, in light of the popularity expressed by the players and the proposal of generous jackpots intended to indulge even long-term customers.

888 casinos are among the most popular online slot machines

Of course, online casinos have taken this trend into account. The best operator was 888 casinos, one of the first to land on the web in 1997, and the first ever to be licensed in the United States.

In addition to roulette, blackjack and poker, the site has decided to focus heavily on slot machines, intercepting the growing popularity of this game. For video game lovers, in particular, 888 casino provides dozens of titles such as to attract this particular slice of users, which is combined with a quality support service, a large number of payment methods for depositors, free welcome bonuses of great importance and maximum security. The latter prerogative is made possible by the possession of one license issued by AAMSat the time the site landed in our country.

There is also the option to choose from many 888 casino bonuses, even if you have to pay attention to the release conditions, often designed to complicate the collection of free spins with slot machines, roulette, poker and blackjack. It is therefore recommended to review the information before claiming bonusesso that you can actually use it after payment of the deposit.

888 casino bonuses

One of the limitations of physical slot machines is the inability to play whenever you want. Not so online, online casinos allow for a fun gaming experience at any time of the day and wherever you are. Thanks to a computer or a smartphone you can connect to the site and take advantage, perhaps with the live sectionsoftware offered by the platform or the live version with croupier in the flesh.

Once the account is opened, by making the deposit payment to unlock the welcome bonuses that each industry operator offers, you can play every day, non-stop. Before doing so, however, it is necessary to carefully examine the identified site and seek information from the support. Platforms such as 888 casinos, or others of this level, can be an effective guarantee for players, even on mobile apps.

The impact of Covid on gambling

Why do 888 casinos and online sites generally continue to increase their customers at the expense of physical rooms? If the trend could be considered already before the Covid, with the arrival of the pandemic everything has accelerated considerably. The health needs in fact, they pushed a large number of players to go to the web, where they found the opportunity to have:

Free welcome bonus for recharging the account; A service to users, including assistance, able to run every hourevery day; very high number of gamesalso on live section and mobile app.

In fact, for those who like to take advantage of every moment to make bets or gamble, a proposal like that of 888 casinos offers the maximum desirable.

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