
The highest payouts on online casinos

Every time we talk about gambling, most of the time, it refers to more “physical” realities with large gaming rooms, luxurious casinos, slot machines that emit sounds and colors of all kinds, roulette who turn, but especially players who walk around the tables looking for the proverbial stroke of luck (to say the least).

So far we can say that everything is true, but we must not forget that even the casinos on the web are platforms where there are many players who, from today to tomorrow, have found themselves with a portfolio much more “swollen” than usual!

By this we do not mean that in order to pay a mortgage, expenses and bills, a gambling win is enough because it is a completely random phenomenon and therefore it will never replace a salary and we must never exaggerate. But it is still fair to report some moments outside the usual average. So let’s look at some of them from the lowest winnings to the highest ones recorded online.

As is well known, the stroke of luck happens, in addition to the bold, especially by chance. This is the case of a German player in 2017 who, bored, decided to make a couple of bets on an online slot machine. As he later clarified, this slot was not one of his favorites and he had played a lot to do it, but we can say that it went really well since he won about 4 million Euros.

From Germany we head north to cold Sweden, where in 2012 a local lady decided to try her luck with a slot machine (no longer available today) called the Hall of Gods. Apparently Odino, or who for him, looked down and made the player win 7.6 million Euros.

Let’s move on to talking about playing so much time. In 2009, at the beginning of the smartphone era, a young player was trying his luck with the Magic Moolah slot until, din din din, he managed to win 8 million Euros! The good thing is that it was a real record as it was one of the biggest wins of the year made online and with a smartphone.

Let’s go back to the countries of Northern Europe, more precisely to Norway, with a very special win. It was 2011 and a local boy couldn’t sleep, so he decided to play a few games at online casinos. In this case, it is true that the night brings advice since, at roulette, he managed to win the more than substantial figure of 11.8 million Euros.

We close with the case that entered the Guinness World Record of the young English soldier, who, breaking into an online slot machine, managed to pocket the insane amount of 17.8 million Euros. Within a few hours he was able to completely turn his life upside down! (press release).

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