
The main differences between playing online roulette, live roulette and traditional land roulette

In the 18th century was born what would become, over the centuries, one of the most popular games in the world and which is still today the most fun and attractive for the many people who love this discipline. The evolution of this game was marked by the advent of the Internet, which made it possible to expand the audience of players, no longer limited to those who could have the opportunity to reach the various casinos in Monte Carlo, Las Vegas and beyond. Distances have narrowed, and people have been able to experience live Roulette anywhere in the world.

This experience allows you to interact in real time with a professional dealer and all other players. Both players physically present in the room and those connected via the internet can play at the same table at the same time. Through the available chat, the game also becomes an opportunity to socialize and reduce the distances between connected players from the most disparate locations around the world.

Each player will have features on their screen that allow them to decide their bets and the Dealer, once they have received the information regarding the bet, will start the round of Roulette. Even remotely, the level of adrenaline that is reached is really important, as well as the involvement of the players.

For example, the famous Casino of Sanremo, born in 1905, following a splendid project by the French architect Eugene Ferret, provides this special way of playing. It was originally planned to host parties and receptions, while the various halls began to host card games and green tables, until they reached the slot machines.

The Sanremo casino then hosted famous international figures, who over time have increased its fame and prestige. Different, but even more engaging, is, in fact, the experience of Roulette lived in a real Casino, where the experience becomes even more unforgettable and unique.

To handle the players’ bets, the central figure of the Croupier (literally the word translates as “sedentary”, to be associated with the person riding behind). correct player bets and pay winnings, and players can decide whether or not to leave a tip.

The rules are extremely easy: the players at the table bet on the green table, indicating the numbers, and then they wait for the ball to be thrown. It will then be the number drawn following the roll to decide the winning bet (if the latter concerns the same number assumed by the player at the time of the bet). The same rules apply to online roulette, which can be very exciting to play in the comfort of your own home.

Each player chooses a number or series of numbers and the “virtual” croupier throws the white ball. It is essential for a player to know the type of play possible to make, as well as the relative payout and potential winnings. This is key to implementing a winning strategy. This assessment is even more important in the final phase of the game, in the so-called French roulette, which can be described as real “special” bets. In real time, and comfortably from home, the player, within a few seconds, can see the outcome of the play.

The impossibility of allowing players to physically go to the Casinos, in the absence of existing and tested virtual rooms, could have led to a blockade for the entire sector, but this did not happen, leading instead to an increase in numbers of the players. As a result, in the face of ever-increasing numbers, the protection of gamblers from black gambling has become an increasing priority. Many sites do not have a regular license and the authorizations required by law to operate in Italy in compliance with existing regulations.

It should be remembered that only casinos authorized by the Customs and Monopoly Agency (ADM) are authorized to operate, which, at the end of in-depth investigations based on security, privacy and other standards, issue the necessary authorizations, aimed at discouraging unregulated gambling and duly challenged by the competent Italian authorities. Fundamental to the requirements to be respected is the possession of secure systems and, at the same time, of intuitive payment methods that can facilitate the player.

Of course, the gaming industry is also an important source of revenue for the state coffers, and therefore it is necessary to combine a number of requirements, including those of regulation, which are taken from an economic point of view. for the managers and for the state coffers, but also those to prevent fraud, which would end up affecting the confidence of players and could affect state revenues, important to ensure services and rights to citizens.

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