
Tutto sui bonus disponibili nei casino online

Until the end of the last century, the only option for those who wanted to play a game of poker, slot machine, black jack or roulette was to physically reach a traditional casino. This not only required a discrete financial investment to sustain the travel expenses, but also the availability of a sufficient amount of time.

Thanks to the diffusion of the internet and Smartphones, however, today you can access an online casino practically at any time and anywhere you prefer. In addition to this advantage, this mode also allows you to choose from an incredible range of games, make completely secure transactions and enjoy an extremely efficient customer service.

In addition, the best online casino operators also offer numerous benefits to both new and old customers. Next, I propose to illustrate what these bonuses are and the necessary requirements to access them.

And main bonus nei casino online

Of deposit

As its name suggests, this type of bonus requires that you first make one or more deposits to the personal account created on the site to which you decide to rely in order to take advantage of one of the promotions that are made available. One of the most popular among those belonging to this category is the so-called welcome bonus, generally offered in two different ways to those who register for the first time.

The premium consists of offering users a sum of money that can be used to try out some of the most attractive games for free. The second, instead, provides that a variable number of free spins will be made available to them on the slot machine.

To fully enjoy this last option, it is advisable to take some time to study the characteristics of some of the best online platforms for playing alle slots in Italy. Only if you inform yourself adequately, in fact, will you be able to find the one that gives you the most free spins in assoluto.

No deposit

Along with the previous one, this is the most widespread type of bonus overall. In this case, however, players are not obliged to make any prior investment in order to take advantage of the publicized benefit.

Even the no-deposit bonus is normally granted in the form of free spins or a bit of extra money. The majority of sites tend to prefer the first option compared to the second, so that it is particularly appreciated by slot lovers.


This bonus is given exclusively to clients who are registered in a certain casino for a prolonged period of time. Naturally, it must be emphasized that this requirement is not met if one’s presence is not considered active and constant.


There are sites that, instead of trying to attract their clients with a monetary incentive, choose to reserve their prize of various kinds. Questi include, for example, voucher spendibili to visit locality note or avventurarsi instead by itinerari fuori dalle solite rotte.


Initially widespread in the world of sports betting, in the last few years cashback has been primarily applied to poker and then to the rest of the casino games. This bonus provides that part of the money spent on the site will be returned later; even if it is generally a value that varies between 5% and 20% of the total, in rare cases it can even reach 50%.


With this term si indicate coloro che prendono spesso parte a partite con puntate alte; A player of this type is Phil Ivey, who prefers cash games and high-stakes tournaments. To pay for the initiative of users like this, online casinos offer unique privileges such as the possibility to participate in exclusive competitions, superior monetary bonuses and an increase in maximum withdrawal limits.

Prerogative to access the bonus

Game requirement

With this expression, it indicates the amount of money that needs to be allocated to a certain casino in order to enjoy specific benefits. This sum is variable and is indicated in the term and the conditions with the value by which the expected welcome bonus must be multiplied in order to have access.

For example, the number 10x may be reported in the regulation. In this case, if the welcome bonus is equivalent to 100 euros, it cannot be withdrawn if at least 1000 euros have not been wagered before.

Maximum validity

It is necessary to pay particular attention to this aspect especially when you decide to play in an online casino based on the presence of bonuses that do not provide any type of previous deposit. This is due to the fact that, unlike what you might think, it is often possible to redeem them only within a certain time limit.

Deposit number required

This element is strictly correlated with the welcome bonus publicized in online casinos. Sometimes, in fact, può accadere that in order to receive it it is not sufficient just to register, but instead it is indispensable to have first made a certain number of deposits on your own account.

Online casino bonus: type and requirement

This article is proposed in advance as a brief guide to the different types of benefits that can be enjoyed by anyone who registers on the site of an online casino for the first time, or who has already been a client for some time. Si è poi ritenuto opportuni di profondire l’argomento indicato i dettagli più importante da consultare sui termini e le condizioni della prescelta web pagina per poter apnuttare di suddetti vantagei senza incorrere in problemi.

After reading, there is nothing left to do but have fun dedicating some of your time to the online game you prefer.

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